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4 Minutes
Thinking about how to make 2023 the year your community association management (CAM) company BOOMS? You’re not alone. This time of year is all about focusing on growth and change, and it’s important you take the right steps for yourself and your business. These books come highly recommended by CAM experts, for CAM experts, each focusing on a different way to help readers think outside the box and develop the habits and mindsets that facilitate real change and growth.
How to Win Friends & Influence People – Dale Carnegie
It shouldn’t surprise anyone that this staple novel is included in the list. For nearly 90 years, Dale Carnegie’s thoughts on what it takes to be a leader, a business owner, and to achieve success have resonated with millions.
Whether you’re just starting your CAM company, or you’re ready to reach new heights and grow like crazy, this book has tips and advice some of the most well-respected, influential names of today stand behind.
Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before – Dr. Julie Smith
The world is collectively recognizing the importance of maintaining good mental health. When working to get a burgeoning business off the ground, especially in an industry like CAM Management, it’s important to keep your mind sharp and well-pampered.
Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before promises to “tackle everyday issues and offer practical solutions in bite-sized, easy-to-digest entries,” making the task of taking care of your mental health simple and manageable for just about everyone.
Learning and adapting are important components of business management. As much as we are all experts in our fields to some degree, there is always room to add to our knowledge and change our perspectives.
Adam Grant’s Think Again embraces the concept of change and growth, and confronting the reality that there are things we simply do not know, and that’s okay. This is a great read for anyone growing their CAM business, and realizing that there’s a lot of room to grow themselves, too.
Dare to Serve: How to Drive Superior Results by Serving Others – Cheryl Bachelder
The CEO of Popeye’s Louisiana Kitchen is probably not who you expected to see on a list for the CAM industry, right? But her story is pretty impressive. People talk all the time about how to “McDonaldize” their businesses and streamline efficiency, but the Popeye’s comeback story explores what happens when leaders dare to serve.
This book is ideal for CAMs striving to be the best they can possibly be to their clients and their staff. Serving happens at every level of a business, and understanding the ways to serve those around you is a great goal for this year.
Authentic Diversity – Michelle Silverthorn
Change has been stirring throughout the workforce for years. With heavy, impactful discussions about race and equality happening every day across the country, it’s so important for businesses to actively tackle workplace diversity.
An expert on culture change and diversity, Michelle Silverthorn offers actionable takeaways to readers eager to enact real change in the tapestry of their industry. The CAM industry has always historically fallen behind the curve in many areas, but businesses intentionally acting for diversity can help propel the industry forward together.
Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable – Seth Godin
Are you a purple cow? Do you have purple cows? In other words, are you standing out in a crowd? Sometimes, it doesn’t feel that way. At the end of the day, nearly every business has someone else doing what they do–the difference is what you make of it.
Seth Godin reframes traditional marketing by encouraging business to be remarkable, and to have a “purple cow” in everything they do. If you’re looking to stand out and stand above this year, this is the book to help make that happen.
Being a woman in most workforces comes with a very unique share of difficulties. And just as the world is zeroing in on undoing racial inequality, the world is just as profoundly invested in undoing gender inequality. Women everywhere are standing up and fighting for recognition and compensation equal to the value they provide.
Meta’s former COO Sherly Sandberg expertly advises women on the ways to navigate a world that all too often seems to rally against them. Her knowledge and experience provide an incredible read for women striving to ascend to new heights, and anyone else hoping to elevate women in their workforce.