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Association managers who want to attract more clients have a wide range of options to explore, from online marketing to local networking. When you manage homeowner associations (HOAs) or condominium associations (COA), it’s important to have enough clients for your business. By understanding an assortment of marketing strategies, you can attract new clients with ease.
As with any business, association management requires a steady stream of new clients to achieve positive financial growth. When you begin using HOA/COA management software like CINC Systems, you’ll find that your efficiency has increased exponentially and you’re able to take on more clients. So how do the most successful association managers attract more clients?
Attracting new HOA/COA clients can be a “fun” problem to have because it gives you an opportunity to find exciting, creative solutions. Here are some proven techniques association managers use to attract new clients to their business. Try them all!
Today, all businesses need a great website. If you don’t already have a website for your HOA/COA management business, make this your first priority before you take any other steps to attract new clients. If you already have a website, consider giving it a new look. Your association management business website should be professional, modern, and inviting to potential clients.
Make sure your website includes all the relevant information about your business. Your contact information should be very easy to find. List a phone number on the front page so users don’t have to waste time searching for it. Use tasteful graphics but avoid images that look like cheesy stock photos or clipart.
Your website should also include information about you and your association management business. Include a bio which references your professional background and your experience. Do the same for any employees, if you have them.
A great HOA/COA management business website will also include a page that lists all the services you offer in detail. Tell potential clients exactly how you will enhance their association. You may also benefit by featuring a prominent “call to action” on your website, such as a free consultation call.
Next, ask your current clients to write reviews or testimonials. Good reviews are one of the best ways to attract new clients to your association management business. If a client has agreed to write you a review, encourage them to be as detailed as possible regarding the ways you’ve helped their association.
Additionally, invite clients to post their reviews on public sites like Google Reviews, or your Facebook business page to maximize exposure. Then, take the best highlights and add them to your business’ website.
In addition to a website, all businesses need a social media presence in today’s society. It’s not necessary to become a Snapchat star, but you’ll want to offer ways for potential clients to engage with you. Social media is also a great way for existing clients to share positive reviews.
As an association manager, your target clientele is HOA/COA board members. Because these people are older, they’re more likely to use Facebook versus other social media channels, so focus your energy there. However, social media is a great way to get creative with your business. If you feel inspired to Tweet and share Instagram stories for your business, go for it!
Additionally, social media can be a great tool for advertising. Creating ads on social media is fast, affordable, and relatively easy to learn. You can run ads that target specific regions, age demographics, income levels, and other variables such as new homeowners.
Although online marketing can make a huge difference for businesses, it doesn’t replace old fashioned word-of-mouth. As you build an incredible website and create social media accounts for your HOA/COA management business, you can also attract new clients by meeting new people.
One of the best ways to do this is to join your local Community Associations Institute (CAI). CAI is a community organization with over 40,000 members and chapters all over the world. CAI serves homeowners, board members, association managers, and professionals who provide services for HOA/COAs. By getting involved with your local CAI, you’ll connect with many potential new clients.
In addition to networking through your local CAI, get to know your city’s real estate agents. Find agents who specialize in new homes in gated communities and other neighborhoods that are likely to have HOAs. These real estate agents often have very close relationships with HOA/COA board members and can help make introductions.
As an HOA/COA manager, you should have a personal directory of independent contractors who provide services for your clients. From landscapers to plumbers, forming a strong relationship with these professionals will help you attract new clients via referral. When you’re able to hire a service provider and establish a good connection, they’re likely to help return the favor.
Like you, most contractors work for multiple associations and housing groups. Talk to these colleagues when you’re looking to attract new clients. They will most likely be happy to help you network.
Finally, become a steady presence in your target market. Are you focused on serving a specific regional area? Do you want to attract new clients all over your county? Decide where you’d like to be, then immerse yourself in that community.
Attend local events such as Chamber of Commerce meetings, sponsor a little league team, or pass out promotional items at citywide festivals. By creating a strong presence in your target market, local HOA/COA members will think of you when they need to hire an association manager.
With these strategies, attracting more clients for your HOA/COA management business is easy. You can also optimize your business with new software tools from CINC Systems. To request a free demo call (855) 943-8246.