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As an association manager, communication is key. Whether you’re discussing budgets with your client or informing residents about a new rule, it’s important to communicate clearly and effectively. Association management software like CINC Systems makes communication easier than ever by giving you a wide range of tools. But did you know that CINC can also improve member communication within your clients’ homeowner associations (HOAs) and condominium associations (COAs)?
The most successful HOA/COA communities thrive because of teamwork and open communication. As an HOA/COA manager, you need to be hands-on and immerse yourself in your clients’ association. This means forming solid relationships with the HOA/COA’s members. Always be transparent and accept feedback with professionalism. Make the association’s members aware of your available hours so they know when, and how, to best reach you.
CINC Systems can help you with all of the above. CINC Systems’ cloud-based platform has been designed to assist with all aspects of association management. From accounting to communications, HOA/COA managers who use CINC have many advantages and benefits over those who don’t. Learn how CINC can help improve member communication within the HOAs/COAs you manage. The following topics are just some of the ways CINC can assist your association management business:
As an HOA/COA manager, you’re responsible for helping your clients maintain a beautiful and functional community. This means scheduling repairs, upgrades, and processing work orders. But maintaining the association’s shared properties is a group effort.
The members of the association play an important role in this by informing you of issues that need repair or fixing, and other maintenance work. Often, a member may spot a problem before you do. After all, you can’t be in two places at once!
When an association member notices a problem, they need to submit a work order. In the past, this process was manual, complicated, and drawn out by paperwork. With CINC Systems, work orders are streamlined for speed and efficiency. You can use CINC Systems to create an online web portal, allowing members to submit work orders electronically. They can even upload a photo to illustrate the problem.
Then, you can organize work orders by date of submission, category, and priority. This allows you to schedule maintenance jobs in batches. The best part, members can log in to the web portal to check the status of their work order. You can also send them electronic notifications and updates about the work order’s progress. This system is a vast improvement over paper slips in mailboxes and endless voicemail chains!
CINC Systems also improves communication by enabling online fee processing. Just as CINC allows you to create a web portal for work orders, our association management software can also create a portal for fee payments. This allows residents to pay association fees online, via credit card or eCheck, 24/7.
Online payment processing streamlines communication by saving time for everyone involved in the HOA/COA. As a manager, you can send email reminders with a link to the payment portal. You can also easily generate a list of members who haven’t paid their dues, allowing you to contact them directly.
Financial transparency is important to members of an HOA/COA, especially members who sit on the association board. Board members are responsible for setting the HOA/COA’s budget, guiding new projects, establishing rules, and more. Many of their decisions are based on their knowledge of the association’s current finances. As the association manager, you’re able to help with this by providing them with the latest numbers.
Using CINC Systems, you can automatically generate financial reports for board members. These reports can be customized for specific data sets, such as time periods or expenditure categories. Once generated, reports can be emailed to board members. This is a more time-efficient and secure way to share financial information compared to traditional methods, such as postal mail.
Association management software also improves member communication by giving you the ability to share community news and announcements online. This information can be shared to a convenient and relevant web portal, or dispersed via email newsletters.
By using CINC Systems to share information electronically, everyone in the community can know the latest news and announcements at the same time. This can include upcoming board meetings, planned maintenance, and events. Think of CINC Systems as a digital bulletin board for all members of the association.
Additionally, CINC Systems allows you to help your clients go paperless. When you send news and announcements via email, your clients will save money on printing costs and postage.
In any HOA/COA, the community rules and guidelines can be a source of confusion if not communicated properly. Although the association is required to give its members a copy of the Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions (CC&Rs) when they move in, it’s easy for residents to lose this information or simply forget.
Often, misunderstanding or forgetting the CC&Rs leads to accidental rule violations and other problems within the association. By making this information available in an online web portal via CINC Systems, association members will always know where to turn if they have questions about a rule or guideline.
With a free CINC Systems demo, you can implement this feature for your clients and see how it improves member communication. When the rules are posted online, it automatically cuts down on questions, confusion, and violations.
However, if a violation does occur, you’ll find that association management software makes it easier to handle than traditional communication methods. Association management software lets you send warnings, upload supporting documents related to the violation, and create an electronic “paper trail” in case the situation escalates.
Finally, CINC Systems association management software improves member communication by streamlining feedback and comments. As an HOA/COA manager, part of your job includes listening to members and helping them communicate with board members.
In the past, managers used suggestion boxes, email, or phone calls to receive comments from members. Association management software enables members to communicate electronically. This makes the feedback process much more efficient and helps you do a better job for your clients.
To learn more about CINC management software, request a free demo or call (855) 943-8246.