
Rethink Community: Rethink Burnout - CINC Systems

Written by CINC SYSTEMS | Jul 5, 2024 12:19:25 PM

In reviewing results from the CINC Systems 2023 State of the Industry Report, we realize a turning point within the CAM space. We know it’s never a good idea to do things just because it’s always been done this way. But now more than ever, reexamining industry processes is critical to business success.

Rethink Community will examine and unravel everything we thought we knew about community associations. Throughout the year, we will create new resources and invite you to discussions with industry experts, talking about what we can do to transform community for executives, board members, and homeowners alike. Through these conversations we aim to support business owners in their growth plans during an uncertain and everchanging environment.

Below is a recording of Rethink Burnout, where we unraveled the mystery behind employee burnout: why it happens, how to better support employees, and the common misconceptions that managers have regarding employee stress and morale.